S01E25 Rabbi Josh Yuter, Politics of Religious Faith

The Volatile Blend of Worship and Politics  

When Politicians Use God to Justify their Positions


March 28, 2021 – The Retail Politics Podcast with Gerry Shields goes international for the first time, interviewing one of the world’s top Jewish influencers, Rabbi Josh Yuter in Jerusalem, who cautions against the use of God to support political positions.


“I do think, and this is something that bothers me from both the left and right, that when politics and religion get confused and overlap in that it’s hard to find the difference between the two...it is easy to corrupt that.”


Yuter discusses killings by various faiths carried out in the name of God and the impact of the coronavirus on the Jewish faith.


S01E26 J. Jioni Palmer, the Politics of Christian Faith


S01E24 Dr. Andrew Kolodny, Politics of the Opioid Crisis